Welcome to Jura Books
Freedom Equality Anarchy
440 Parramatta Rd, Petersham, Sydney, NSW 2049, Australia
Fridays 2pm - 7pm
Saturdays & Sundays12pm - 5pm
"Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice. Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality."
— Mikhail Bakunin, 1867
Jura Books is on the land of the Wangal people of the Eora Nation. The Jura Collective acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the Land and pays our respect to Elders past, present and emerging. We support the ongoing struggle of Aboriginal peoples for land rights, self-determination and justice.
What might an anarchist society be like?
- In an anarchist society, the world's resources would be held in common and shared with all the diverse life on earth.
- People would manage their own lives, communities and workplaces, and everyone would have a say in decision-making through decentralised forms of organisation.
- Relationships in all areas of life would be based on mutual respect, regardless of gender, race, age, sexual orientation, disability, culture, etc.
- Work would be changed to be meaningful and creative. Unpopular or difficult jobs would be shared.
- Education would be integrated into daily life to produce free people who can think for themselves.
- Goods and services would be produced ecologically for human needs, and provided by way of mutual exchange.
What we believe in
Anarchists assert that a truly free and equal society can only be achieved through revolution: meaning a complete transformation of society. This transformation cannot be 'given' to the people by politicians or bureaucrats. It must be built and enacted from below.
Individual & Collective
Anarchists believe in the inherent dignity and humanity of the individual. But this dignity can only be fully realised in a co-operative, egalitarian society. This is why we are in favour of working together collectively and being organised. Anarchism is not individualism or chaos.
Direct Action
Anarchists oppose the violence that is an itegral part of the capitalism and the State (this violence comes in many forms: war, work, patriarchy, etc.) We also oppose the use of violence by militants against cvilian populations (which is much less widespread). We believe that means shape ends — in other words, the way we struggle will shape the outcome of that struggle. This is why we do not support the strategy of taking State power, whether by parliamentary stooges, religious zealots or by authoritarian Leninists.
However, anarchists do believe in direct action — action taken by everyday people to cause immediate problems for bosses and politicians. This might include striking, sabotage of mining equipment, or damaging property. Anarchists support the right of people to fight back against the system.
BSB Number: 313-140 Account Number: 12278856
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