About us
We are not-for-profit and 100% volunteer run.
Our history
Jura has been open since 1977. The name commemorates a successful European anarchist workers organisation.
What we offer
- Bookshop - Jura has thousands of books you won't find anywhere else - anarchist, enviro, feminist, anti-war and more, as well as T-shirts.
- Events
- Organising Space
- Library (currently unavailable)
We love it when people visit us. Browse the books, or come to one of our events. Better still, get involved! We need people to do shifts in the shop, come to working bees, organise events and more. Do as much or as little as you are able. Financial support (small and large) is also welcome. This can be done physically in the store or via direct transfer at BSB Number: 313-140, Account Number: 12278856. If you regularly contribute $10 a month you can get a 20% discount on books.